Hordaland Art Centre, Norway

Call for: exhibition proposal

Curators of all nationalities are invited to propose an exhibition for Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen, Norway for the 2011-programme.

The project must be initiated, researched and completed between October 2010 and February 2011, and should not have been published in any way before.
The selected curator(s) will be required to spend an agreed amount of time in Bergen, Norway for research and preparation.They will also be required to be on site for parts of the exhibition period,as well as for talks and meetings with the public. Only one proposal per person is accepted. One person and group exhibition projects are welcome.

The organization offers:
– a Curator fee of NOK 50.000 (6 250 euros)
– office space
– suitable accommodation when in Bergen
– travel to and from Bergen up to the amount of NOK 15.000 (1 875 euros)

The programme also covers:
– artist’s fees (financial limitations might apply)
– insurance of exhibition when in house
– commission fee for one related text with translation to English/Norwegian and   one related presentation to accompany the exhibition
– a production budget for the exhibition
– covering return transport of art works (financial limitations might apply)
– exhibition design in collaboration with Hordaland Art Centre
– installation of exhibition
– other costs such as exhibition announcements and exhibition opening reception


– A brief covering letter (no more than one page,  introducing   yourself and the proposal. Please remember to include the following personal   details: Name, Postal address, E-mail address, Telephone number, Website (if applicable), Date of Birth and Nationality
– Outline of exhibition idea/curatorial proposal (In no more than 1000 words)
– Description of one previous curatorial project which can be seen in relation to the proposed project
– Text: no more than 500 words
– Images: no more than 10 images
– Audio or audio/visual submissions should be made available online between September 10th and 20th 2010 and URL should be included in the presentation text
– A short biography (no more than 120 words) and full CV of curator(s)
– Each of the listed requirements can be submitted in a doc/.pdf/.odt form

– The proposal with supporting material should be submitted in ONE SINGLE e-mail with all attachments, with the curator’s name stated in the subject line to the following address: hks@kunstsenter.no

Hordaland Art Centre
Klosteret 17, PB 1745 Nordnes
5816 Bergen
tel: + 47 55 90 85 90

For more information click here

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