Essay & Photo Competition: Our Rights, Our Freedoms

Deadline: 15/08/2010
Prizes: up to 5,000 €

The competition slogan is ‘Our Rights, Our Freedoms’. Participants are asked to look at the European Convention on Human Rights’ impact on European citizens’ day-to-day lives and to consider its effectiveness.

The competition is divided into two categories, the essay competition and the photo competition.

The essay competition

The essay competition is open to all European law students.

The essay subject is ‘What is the role of freedom of speech in a democratic  society and where are its limits?’

Participants must prepare and submit one written essay in order to take part in the competition. Only one entry will be accepted per participant. The essays must be sent in electronic format.

Only original papers will be considered for the competition. Previously published papers are therefore excluded. Papers prepared for an existing national or local ELSA essay competition are also eligible as long as they are compatible with the present terms and conditions and they are not published prior to or after the international competition.
Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the paper. ELSA International reserves the right to make changes to the paper for the purpose of harmonising it with the content and style of ELSA publications.

Evaluation criteria
The following four criteria will be used in assessing the essays:

* Content, logical arguments and originality: 65 % weighting
* Clarity: 15 % weighting
* Structure: 10 % weighting
* Overall impression: 10 % weighting

The quality of language will not be a decisive factor, as long as the text retains its clarity and coherence.
Receipt of entries
Only electronic copies shall be submitted to ELSA International according to the submission deadline (30 June 2010).
ELSA International will forward the written submissions to the relevant jury.
The electronic copies must be submitted in Word (.doc) format only.
Entries should be submitted by 15 August 2010 via the competition website.

Entries incompatible with the above rules and conditions will not be considered. Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the above terms and conditions.
Prizes will be awarded for the best three essays.

Read Requirements.

The photo report competition

The photo report competition is all European law schools.

* Entries must relate in some way to the articles of the European Convention on Human Rights.
* They should consist of a photo report comprising a maximum of 12 pictures with explanatory captions in English.
* Photos should ideally measure 1535 x 2356 pixels (13 x 18 cm) and should be submitted as a .jpg file. Resolution in every case must be 300 dpi.
* Photos should be numbered in the order in which the entrants wish them to be presented.
* Photographs must not infringe the copyright, trademarks, or any other intellectual property rights of any third party or entity, or violate any person’s right of privacy or publicity.
* They should convey a clear message and be innovative and original.

Evaluation criteria
Photo reports will be evaluated on the basis of the pertinence of their message and their artistic merits.
Receipt of entries

Entries should be submitted by 15 August 2010 via the competition website.

Entries incompatible with the above rules and conditions will not be considered. Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the above terms and conditions.


The three winners in each category will receive cash prizes funded by the Council of Europe and the competition sponsors.
There are three individual prizes in the essay category and three group prizes in the photo report category.

The individual prizes in the essay category are:
* 1st prize: 3,000 €
* 2nd prize: 2,000 €
* 3rd prize: 1,000 €

The group prizes in the photo report category are:
* 1st prize: 5,000 €
* 2nd prize: 3,000 €
* 3rd prize: 2,000 €

Read more and apply here.

2 thoughts on “Essay & Photo Competition: Our Rights, Our Freedoms

  1. I have been fight for long now trying to belong in all that is done about but due to few things i was lacking behind.I truly want to get the youth in my community involved and let them participate into programmes as such.

    I am also proposing to start an educative radio talk show to help empower youth who will be willing to learn.

    We will with time work together as ABC4ALL leads the team building understanding on what it takes to Global Humanitarian Relief {GHR }

    Love, and then peace to the world.

    ABC4ALL mentor Rommy Wuhe {Nigeria}

  2. I have been fighting for long now trying to belong in all that is done about but due to few things i was lacking behind.I truly want to get the youth in my community involved and let them participate into programmes as such.

    I am also proposing to start an educative radio talk show to help empower youth who will be willing to learn.

    We will with time work together as ABC4ALL leads the team building understanding on what it takes to Global Humanitarian Relief {GHR }

    Love, and then peace to the world.

    ABC4ALL mentor Rommy Wuhe {Nigeria}

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