29th July – 3rd August 2010, Liguria, Italy
Deadline: 15/06/2010
* Are you an EU citizen (+Turkey)?
* Are you aged between 17-21?
* Are you passionate about radio and have already some radio experience?
* Would you like to build a European platform where you can share your experience in youth radio newsrooms, develop media skills, produce joint radio programmes/formats and launch a youth radio network with other EU young people like you?
Radio Jeans Network is a seven days training course, during which the participants will have the chance to meet other European young media makers, learn how to improve their radio skills and produce a real-time radio show. They will create programmes, format, peer to peer campaigns with common values such as solidarity, tolerance and open-minded culture, in order to strengthen social cohesion in EU.
Taking part in this training course is a great opportunity to build the own network of contacts to keep Radio Jeans alive. With more than 40 young people and 10 tutors, editorial committees will be build all over Europe to allow young people to keep spreading their voice through radio waves. Special events will be organized during major EU Youth events (Torino 2010 European Youth Capital, “Printemps des Lycéens et apprentis 2011” in Provence, European Youth Media Workshop in Brussels).
The project is carried out by Arssu, Mandragola Editrice and European Youth Press that, with the economical help of EU.
Radio Jeans will book your travel to/from Liguria and cover your accomodation and food expenses during the programme.
Application procedure
All interested applicants should submit following:
1. own application form with reference to the foreign languages they know and the level of knowledge;
2. short motivation letter including detailed proof of the radio experience;
3. proposal of the format/programme for Radio Jeans (max 100 words)
All the documents need to be submitted until 15th June 2010 to: staff@radiojeans.info or l.gambini@youthpress.org