Photo competition – “Common Visions”

Deadline: 15/05/2010

Open to: Macedonian students at the age 15-26

The School of Journalism and Public Relations in cooperation with the Institute for Community Development from Tetovo, under auspices of UNESCO and with the support of the Fund for Millennium Development Goals of the Spanish Government, announce a photo contest on the topic – “Common visions”.

The aim of this contest is to encourage young citizens of the Republic of Macedonia to celebrate and cultivate cultural diversity in Macedonia, to emphasize those things that bring us together and that are in common for all of us, and to celebrate the cooperation between different cultures, ethnic and religious communities in Macedonia. We expect that the audiovisual works submitted through this competition will be visual representations of moments and stories that show interesting and impressive examples of everyday life in multicultural and multiethnic Macedonia, as well as digital illustrations, which represent authors’ visions on the joint future for all ethnic, religious and cultural communities in the country.

The competition is open until 15 May 2010. All young people from Macedonia at the age 15 -26 are eligible to apply.

More details about participation and information’s for the photographs and awards are available:
Here and Here

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