INTRO – seminar for PhD in Robotics

Deadline: 15/04/2010

The INTRO project (INTeractive RObotics Research Network) is offering 10 research positions (8 PhD student positions starting in 2010 and 2 post-doctoral positions starting in 2011) in the interdisciplinary areas of :

  • Interactive Robotics
  • Cooperative Robot Learning
  • Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
  • Intelligent Interface Design

INTRO aims to create a new generation of robotic researchers with a broad understanding of the research and technologies needed to build intelligent robots that function in close interaction with humans in unstructured, changing “real word” conditions. The training has a strong multidisciplinary approach complemented by specialized domain knowledge. Young researchers will work closely with industries, endowing them with insight and understanding of the industrial product life-cycle and valuable hands-on experience of top-level industrial robot development. By blending complementary skills, INTRO will improve the career perspectives of young researchers, in both academic and industrial sectors. This will be achieved through a transnational network of universities and robot companies, with senior researchers from different disciplines (robotics, artificial intelligence, cognitive sciences, human factors) coming from different ‘schools-of-thought’ (computer sciences, industrial engineering, psychology).

INTRO is funded by the European Commission as part of the FP7 program and involves 6 partners. Each PhD student will be stationed at one of the universities and will also undergo a secondment and visit other partners. The post-doctoral researchers will be stationed at one of the partner companies, with several visits to the other partners’ institutions. The following positions are offered:

Umea University, Sweden
– PhD2: Learning from Demonstration and Imitation
– PhD5: Emotional interaction
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
– PhD1: Learning inspired by cognitive psychology
– PhD8: Intelligent interface design
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
– PhD3: Behaviour and intention recognition for human-robot learning
– PhD4: Dynamic gesture analysis
University of the West of England, UK
– PhD6: Robot safety and interaction
– PhD7: Failure detection and recovery

More detailed information about the positions can be found here.

An applicant for any of the positions must not be a citizen of the country in which the associated university/company is located.

Each recruited researcher will join a training program comprising the following major components: An individual research project conducted in close cooperation with researchers from the partner universities and industries; A network-wide training program that includes regular courses and courses in complementary skills (such as project management and proposal writing); Seminars and workshops.

The INTRO partners recognize the importance of gender equality and are committed to it in all aspects of the project.

Each position has to be applied for separately.

Common closing date for all applications: 15th of April 2010.
Anticipated start date: 1st of September 2010 or earlier.

Click here for more information.

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