Training course on intercultural dialogue, Serbia

Training course on intercultural dialogue and cross community cooperation

Training is for Project managers, Youth leaders, Youth workers

Participants are accepted from : Italy, Romania, Slovak Republic, Croatia, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Serbia

Place: Subotica, Serbia

Theme and the overall aim of the training course:
Overall aim is to train youth workers, youth leaders on being able to multiply human rights in the youth field emphasis on cultural diversity with active participation of young people using non formal methodology and cross community cooperation. To raise awareness and develop attitudes in connection with cultural diversity, to develop understanding and skills towards using non formal methods within human rights education in local, regional and international level. To focus on mainly respecting cultural diversity and cross community cooperation in all over Europe and more widen area. Cultural diversities are within lifestyles, traditions, histories, gender, education, minorities as traditional, sexual and new minorities, etc of young people. To build a human rights multiply network with youth leaders and youth workers who establish and implement human rights youth projects emphasis on cultural diversity in local and regional level and to cooperate together in international level.

Learning objectives of the training course are:
– To enable youth workers and young people for recognising prejudgements, prejudices among nationalities inside and outside different countries;
– To identify and define different and similar aspects of different cultures and stereotypes related with them;
– To identify and define the roots and origins of prejudices;
– To develop critical way of thinking;
– To accept and tolerant cultural diversity;
– To make youth workers capable for motivating young people being active participants in a process of acceptance and respectful cultural diversity;
– To prepare, run and evaluate local, regional and international youth projects by young people for accept and tolerance cultural diversity inside and outside different countries;
– To build cooperation among youth workers.

Who can participate in the training course?
– Working actively with young people and having at least one year of experience in running youth activities;
– Motivated to develop competencies for dealing on active participation and cultural diversities issues with young people in a new ways;
– Able to communicate in English;
– Able to decide independently or having support of organisation to develop long term youth work programme on active participation and cultural diversity;
– Over 18 years old and there is no upper age limit.

The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers. 70% of travels costs will be reimbursed. There is 20EUR participation fee!

Deadline: 15/01/2010

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