Improving Disaster Management in Burma and Indonesia

Deadline: 14 March 2014
Open to: government and non-government organizations, universities, private sector or other organizations from anywhere around the world
Grant: up to $5,000,000


Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) is accepting concept papers on Improving Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Management Capacity in Burma and Indonesia. The concept papers should be proposing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programs focusing on three distinct objectives: (1) to increase disaster management capacity throughout Burma; (2) to improve preparedness for natural disasters in Rakhine State, Burma; and (3) to provide Technical Assistance and Training Teams (TATTs) to selected BPBDs in Indonesia.

The activities for objective 1 may be (but not limited to):

  • Upgrade the capacity of people implementing disaster management activities;
  • Train a core group of disaster management master instructors/experts;
  • Conduct duplicate (multiplier) training courses;
  • Conduct disaster management research;
  • Increase the public’s awareness about disaster management;

The activities for objective 2 may be (but not limited to):

  • Improve readiness;
  • Improve construction practices;
  • Improve the effectiveness of early warning;
  • Increase disaster management and preparedness skills;
  • Increase awareness and education;
  • Mangrove protection.

The activities for objective 3 may be (but not limited to):

  • Provide technical assistance to key personnel in provincial BPBDs;
  • Manage the delivery of a set program of formal training and field application.


Applicants can be government and non-government organizations, universities, private sector, other organizations and communities legally established and recognized under applicable law from anywhere around the world.


The maximum grant an applicant can request is $3,000,000 each for objective 1 and 2, and $5,000,000 for objective 3. Applicants are required to keep costs reasonable and realistic in relation to the scope of their proposed activities.


Concept paper submission deadline is 14 March 2014.

One applicant is able to apply for more than one objective with separate application for each objective. Therefore, each objective needs separate concept paper. Proposed concept papers should be in anyone of the mentioned objectives.

All questions, concept papers, and full applications must be submitted electronically to

For more information, please visit the official website and search for funding opportunity number APS-OFDA-14-000004. You must write the number in the field “Funding Opp”.

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