ViiV Healthcare’s Positive Action for Children Fund

Deadline: 11 March 2014
Open to: non-governmental and community-based organisations that can deliver change at the community level thanks to their links with or representation of affected communities
Grants: maximum funding will be £300,000 and minimum grant request to be made is £60,000


The Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) is an integral part of ViiV Healthcare’s commitment to communities affected by HIV and AIDS. We support organisations to deliver prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services, which empower mothers and children across the globe. Every year, they continue to form new partnerships with community focused organisations; who strive to alleviate the devastating effects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

In 2009, ViiV Healthcare committed to invest £50 million in the Positive Action for Children Fund over ten years. Since March 2010, the PACF has invested £13.6 million in 122 organisations in 28 countries. As part of this, the PACF also offers a Technical Assistance programme to support smaller community organisations in building their capacity to support affected communities.

The work of the PACF is closely aligned with UNAIDS’ Global Plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive and the World Health Organisation’s PMTCT Strategy.


This call for proposals for larger grants from the Positive Action for Children Fund is focused on non-governmental and community-based organizations that can deliver change at the community level thanks to their links with or representation of affected communities.

The Fund has stipulated that at least 80% of its funding overall will go to projects focused on sub-Saharan Africa. 15 priority countries for PMTCT interventions: Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo,Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Angola, Burundi, Chad, Tanzania, Kenya and India.

Projects that are focused in other countries and regions will also be considered – but need to clearly demonstrate the need that the project will address.


The maximum funding available will be £300,000 over three years. Minimum grant request to be made is £60,000 (over 3 years).

Budgets should be submitted in your local currency and GB£ at current exchange rates. Please remember that Positive Action for Children Fund grants cannot account for more than 50% of an organization income. Grant requests over this proportion of your income will be rejected.


The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday 11 March 2014 at 23:59 GMT.

You must read the Guidance notes in order to find all the information for applying.  There will be a ‘2014 Call for Proposals’ PACFonline discussion group. Please use this group to ask any questions regarding your application so that others with similar questions may see the response to your query. You will need to go through a very simple registration in order to access PACFonline.

More than one application from different country offices of the same organization is accepted as eligible for competition. Applications should be either in English or French.

For further information, please visit the official website.

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