Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize 2019

Deadline: 1 March 2019
Open to: scholars,academic institutions and professional organizations
Benefits: around EUR 89070.98


The Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize awards outstanding scientific contributions of individuals from all scholarly disciplines aiming at improving the development and living conditions of children and youth. This includes, but is not limited to, educational sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, family studies, media studies, political sciences, linguistics, neurosciences, computer sciences, and medical sciences.

The prize is endowed with around EUR 89070.98, of which around EUR 80163.89 are for use in a research project and EUR 8907.09 are for related costs, such as travel, networking, and dissemination. The Jacobs Foundation invites experts in research on children and youth worldwide to nominate candidates. The prize will be awarded to a well-respected, outstanding researcher conducting groundbreaking research on children and youth. It addresses scholars from all countries who have achieved major breakthroughs in understanding child and youth development and at the same time have the potential to advance the field by actively conducting research. Self-nominations cannot be accepted.

A Prize Jury, consisting of internationally renowned scientists, will choose the laureate from the pool of nominated candidates. From 2019 onwards, the Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize will be awarded every other year in odd years. In even years, the Jacobs Foundation will bestow a Best Practice Prize rewarding exceptional commitment of institutions or individuals who put into practice innovative solutions in the field of child and youth development.


Scholars, academic institutions and professional organizations from all around the world who are engaged in research on children and youth are eligible to submit nominations.


The prize is endowed around EUR 89070.98, of which around EUR 80163.89 are for use in a research project and EUR 8907.09 are for related costs, such as travel, networking, and dissemination.

How to apply?

Please complete the nomination form here.

For more detailed information, please visit the offcial webpage.