University St.Kliment Ohridski in Bitola

The University St.Kliment Ohridski in Bitola (UKLO) is the second state university in Republic of Macedonia and the most important institution of higher education in the region of South-Western Macedonia. The heterogeneous educational offer of the University, referring to different scientific disciplines, is represented by more than 40 undergraduate study programs and 30 postgraduate study programs on 11 higher-educational  units: 10 faculties and one higher vocational school. The University center is in Bitola, where as the higher-educational and scientific units are situated in many centers: Bitola, Prilep, Ohrid, Skopje, Kichevo, Veles. The number of students during the recent years was about 13.000.

International Relations

The international relation represents one of the most important segments of the University functioning. The realization of the international relation is performed through the following important instances:

* COMMISSION FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT OF UKLO – assistance body of the University Senate (9 members)


Scholarship scheme for academic exchange between EU & Candidate countries and Western Balkan countries. Scholarships for undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students and staff financed by the European Commission. The scholarship will cover travel, insurance, possible tuition, living expenses and housing. JoinEU-SEE website.

ERASMUS MUNDUS EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW PROJECT BASILEUS – Balkans Academic Scheme for the Internationalisation of Learning in cooperation with EU universities. The EMECW Basileus project consortium consists of 8 EU universities and 12 universities in the Western Balkans.
Basileus provides funding for academic mobility from:
* any Western Balkan institution to the 8 EU partner universities
* the 8 EU partner universities to the 12 Western Balkan partner universities BASILEUS website.

Central European Exchange Program for University Studies. CEEPUS website.

TEMPUS website.

University St.Kliment Ohridski in Bitola
1vi Maj bb.
tel: ++389 (0)47 223 788
fax: ++ 389 (0)47 223 594

Official website

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