University of Zilina

University of Zilina is providing technological, economics, management and a limited range of humanistic and natural science education at under-graduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. 40,000 graduates have graduated from the University, 1,500 of them were from abroad. There are currently around 13.000 students enrolled in all forms of studies.

* Civil Engineering
* Electrical Engineering
* Management Science & Informatics
* Mechanical Engineering
* Natural Science
* Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications
* Special Engineering

Detailed information about study programmes can be found at web sites of the faculties.

International Students

The University participate in SOCRATES/ERASMUS, Leonardo da Vinci, CEEPUS, TEMPUS, COPERNICUS, COST, in 5th, 6th, and 7th Framework programmes and many others. International Office coordinates the international relationships of the University.

Full-time study
Students who have completed secondary school education, have reached the age of 18 or more, possess adequate knowledge of English (and Mathematics for the technical and the economical branches), and are not Slovak citizens are eligible for the study at the University of Zilina as self-payers (except for the EU inhabitants who study under the same conditions as the inhabitants of Slovak republic).

Application deadlines for incoming ERASMUS students:
Winter semester: 1 July
Summer semester:
30 November
ESN UNIZA– Erasmus student network is a student organisation that provides help for incoming foreign students and prepares various events for them during their stay. Every semester several activities are being organized as well as welcoming party for incoming students together with sightseeing tour around city, trips within a country.


The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic is intended to support mobility of foreign students, PhD students, university teachers and researchers to stay at Slovak universities, research institutions and non-governmental organizations conducting research on the basis of an invitation.
More info: National Scholarship Programme, Slovak Academic Information Agency

Central European Exchange Program for University Studies. CEEPUS website.

Visegrad Scholarship Program
Visegrad Fund offers Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships for 1 or 2 semesters. Visegrad Fund website.

University of Žilina (Žilinská univerzita)
Univerzitná 1
010 26 Žilina

Official website

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