University of Trnava

University of Trnava (UT) follows the traditions of one of the oldest universities in Central Europe. The original Jesuit university was founded in 1635 by the Archbishop of Esztergom, Peter Pázmány. University of Trnava currently has five faculties, 4 of them seated in Trnava and 1 in Bratislava.

* Faculty of Arts
* Faculty of Education
* Faculty of Health and Social care
* Faculty of Law
* Faculty of Theology (in Bratislava)


Trnava University in Trnava joined the Socrates/Erasmus project in the academic year 2000/2001 in form of teacher and student mobility. Bilateral agreements. For more info see the International relations office here.

The bilateral agreements involve mainly the exchange of information on research activities, the exchange of knowledge and experience, the exchange of teaching materials, the exchange of researchers and teachers, the support of mutual co-operation in research projects, common organisation of seminars and conferences, and other fields. Info for incoming students and list of bilateral agreements can be found here.


The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic is intended to support mobility of foreign students, PhD students, university teachers and researchers to stay at Slovak universities. More info: National Scholarship Programme, Slovak Academic Information Agency

Visegrad Scholarship Program
Visegrad Fund offers Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships for 1 or 2 semesters. Visegrad Fund website.

Trnava University in Trnava
Hornopotocná 23
918 43 TRNAVA

Official website

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