University of Bucharest

The University of Bucharest (UB) is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Romania. The University offers a variety of courses at all levels of higher education: 22 short-duration programmes, over 60 long-duration programmes, 12 long-duration distance learning programmes, over 100 master’s degree and advanced study programmes, over 50 doctoral programmes, advanced postgraduate programmes, and programmes of professional conversion and perfection. The University also organises study programmes in co-operation with foreign universities; graduates of these programmes receive degrees both from the University of Bucharest and from the partner university. There are over 50 institutes, departments and research centres. The University has more than 40.000 students.

International Relations Office

IRO co-ordinates the internationalisation process within the UB. It suprevises all the in-coming and out-going academic and research exchanges developed by the University of Bucharest. IRO promotes the scholarships on higher education offered by the Romanian Government.

International Relations Office:
Phone: +40-21-30 77 321, +40-21-30 77 322
Fax: +40-21-315 19 42


Erasmus Office is part of the International Relations Office. Its main purpose is to develop agreements for the academic exchange, within European programmes (Erasmus/Socrates, Leonardo, CEEPUS, Minerva, Lingua etc) and bilateral co-operation. It closely co-operates with the Erasmus representatives of each faculty, in order to properly guide students within the exchange programme. It is also involved in exchange students’ housing, trying to arrange an accommodation for as many persons as possible. 
More info.

Erasmus Office:
Phone: +40-21-30 77 323, +40-21-30 77 324; +40-21-313 46 20
Fax: +40-21-313 46 20


CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) is a programme of academic mobilities for Central and Eastern Europe, (participant countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia.

Students and professors exchanges are made within netwoks between at least 3 universities form different countries. UB participates in 3 such networks involving the Faculty of Letters, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures and the Faculty of Philosophy.

The duration of a CEEPUS scholarship may be of minimum 21 days for students and 10 days for professors. The University of Bucharest assures the grant for incoming students/professors, as well as the accomodation. Read more.
Official web site of CEEPUS.

36-46, M. Kogalniceanu Bd, Sector 5, 70709, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40-21-307 73 00
Fax: +40-21-313 17 60

Official website

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