Technical University of Lisbon

The Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) was created in 1930, as the result of the union of older schools. Nowadays, it comprises seven different faculties and institutes, in many different areas. Around 20,000 undergraduate students and 3500 postgraduate students currently attend the seven Schools of the UTL. Despite being one of the largest Portuguese state universities, the UTL has always adopted a decentralised organisational model,  giving all faculties and institutes an ample degree of autonomy in pedagogic, scientific, administrative and financial matters.


UTL schools have their own management bodiesmeaning that their management structure is organised by departments or speciality areas. All UTL schools run specialist centres, institutes, units or other bodies dedicated to research, cooperation, international relations, business links and the labour market.

* FMV – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
* ISA – School of Agriculture
* ISEG – School of Economics and Management
* IST – School of Engineering
* ISCSP – School of Social and Political Sciences
* FMH – Faculty of Human Kinetics
* FA – Faculty of Architecture

International Programms and Students

UTL has an extensive cooperation network worldwide and has been acknowledge for its teaching and research achievements internationally as well as theparticipation in national and international contact networks. UTL is involved with universities all over the world with different subject, geographical, historical and language interests and has signed protocols with about 100 universities in 21 countries.

UTL welcomes students from all countries and has cooperation agreements with universities from many countries in view of promoting the exchange of students or simply for mutual recognition of degrees. Also, UTL participates in many international student mobility programmes (ALFA, TEMPUS, Jean Monnet, Asia-Link, Fulbright, Smile, Erasmus, among others).

International Students can also apply to non-degree studies if they have already a degree and want to take supplementary courses or if they want to acquire qualifications required for certain professions. Each School of UTL has its own application procedure.

At present, several courses at Master’s or Doctoral levels are taught in English. At Doctoral level, English is a current working language.

Language courses are available that help students to integrate themselves in the daily student life.

Here you can find more information on how to apply to UTL.


If you wish to apply for a scholarship, pelase contact the social action services, they will provide you more information.

Rector’s Office
Alameda Santo António dos
Capuchos, 1 1169-047 Lisboa
Phone: +351 218 811 901
Fax: +351 881 19 90

External Relations Office
Isabel França
Phone: +351 218 811 901
Fax: +351 218 811 990

Official Website

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