Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

The Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) is the only agricultural university in Slovakia. SUA is operating in a wide range of scientific fields such as genetics, biotechnology, agriculture, environment, food sciences, horticulture, landscape engineering and design, technology, engineering, economics, management, marketing with focus on rural regions and regional development.

– Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
– Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
– Faculty of Economics and Management
– Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development
– Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Faculty
– Faculty of Engineering

International Full time students

Non – native English speakers have to prove their English language ability to follow the study programmes. More info and Programmes offered in English.
For study programmes in Slovak: In order to follow study programmes offered in Slovak language students can take a preparatory language courses offered by the Institute of Language and Academic Preparation for Foreign Students, Comenius University in Bratislava – 1 year (September – June) preparatory course before university studies.


Find out whether your university has a bilateral agreement with Slovak University of Agriculture (see Documents) and contact International Relations Office at your home university for more information about the selection procedure at your home university. Your English has to be sufficient to follow the lectures and take the exam. Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (EILC) of Slovak Language are organised by Slovak universities for Erasmus incoming students before the start of the semester. More info and Courses offered in English.

# 31 May for winter semester
(End of September –  January)
# 31 October for summer semester
(February – June)


The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic is intended to support mobility of foreign students, PhD students, university teachers and researchers to stay at Slovak universities. More info: National Scholarship Programme, Slovak Academic Information Agency

Central European Exchange Program for University Studies. CEEPUS website.

Visegrad Scholarship Program
Visegrad Fund offers Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships for 1 or 2 semesters. Visegrad Fund website.

Slovak University of Agriculture
Tr. A. Hlinku 2
949 76 Nitra
Phone: +421-37-6414111,+421-37-6415111
Fax: +421-37-7412626

Official website

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