Graz University of Technology

Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) is one of two Universities of Technology in Austria. TUG, as the university is called by its students, is a public university and was founded in 1811 by Archduke John of Austria. During the winter term of 2008 approximately 10.300 students were enrolled in TUG, of which 14.9% were from abroad. 21.1% of the students were female.

– Architecture
– Civil Engineering
– Mechanical Engineering, Economic Sciences
– Electrical and Information Engineering
– Technical Mathematics, Technical Physics
– Technical Chemistry, Chemical Process Engineering, Biotechnology
– Computer Science

Exchange Students

TU Graz is a member of the Erasmus, Joint Study, ISEP, CEEPUS Programme. To enroll at the TU Graz as an exchange student for either one semester, an academic year or even longer, you will need an official nomination issued by the international program coordinator at your home university, based on a formal exchange agreement between the TU Graz and your home university. Generally, students can choose courses offered at all faculties at Graz University of Technology. Courses at Graz University of Technology are generally offered in German, though several classes are also offered in English. Depending on their field of study, incoming students must have sufficient knowledge of German to be able to follow the lectures and to take exams in German.

winter term / whole academic year: 15 June
summer term: 15 November
Students from Turkey and Croatia:
winter term / whole academic year: 1 May
summer term: 1 October
More info.

International Students Outside of Exchange Programs

International student applicants, who would like to pursue a degree programme at Graz University of Technology, have to present:
– secondary school leaving certificate
– proof of actual admission to the study programme you have chosen at an accredited university in the country which issued the secondary school leaving certificate. Student applicants, who have acquired their secondary school leaving certificate in EU countries, do not have to present this!

Applicants who cannot prove that they have a good command of German (ÖSD – Level C1 – Oberstufe Deutsch) have to take a German supplementary examination before beginning a degree programme.
Application has to be submitted by 1 September for the winter semester, and by 1 February for the summer semester (submission deadline).
More info.

Graz University of Technology
Rechbauerstr. 12
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 (0)316 873/0
Fax: +43 (0)316 873

Official website


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