Ghent University


Ghent University or Universiteit Gent (UGent), is one of the biggest Dutch-speaking universities. It is a socially committed and pluralistic university in a broad international perspective. Ghent University comprises in total 11 faculties.  These are: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.

How to apply

Application procedure for international degree students and exchange students is different. International degree students have to meet specific diploma and language requirements. An overview of these is given in the admissions section at the official website of Ghent University.

Exchange students should know that the exchange period at UGent lasts minimum 1 month and maximum 12 months. Moreover, the exchange student does not get a diploma from UGent. However, all academic results will be sent to his/her university abroad.

Exchange students can obtain further information here.

Central Address:
Ghent University
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
B – 9000 Ghent/Belgium

Official website


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