Erasmus University College, Brussels


Erasmushogeschool Brussel or Erasmus University College Brussels has six departments with about 20 different programmes where more than 4500 students study. The language of instruction is Dutch. Some departments offer English courses, such as de Conservatory or Business Management. Erasmus University College Brussels comprises professional and academic education in 8 disciplines, namely Architecture, Audiovisual and Plastic Arts, Health Care, Business Management, Industrial Sciences and Technologies, Music and Performing Arts, Education, Social Work and Applied Linguistics.

It boasts a student-oriented approach through intense tutoring. All departments are involved in the restructuring processes of educational innovation. ICT-based teaching and learning, modularisation and problem-based teaching are some of these on-going processes. Erasmus University College Brussels uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which facilitates both curriculum comparison and student exchanges.

How to apply

Students who want to attend a degree programme at the Erasmus University College Brussels must have an adequate knowledge of Dutch which is the language of instruction (level 5 Dutch as a Foreign Language). The only exception to this requirement is the programme of the Royal Conservatoire of Music that welcomes students from all over the world each year.
To enroll as a regular student in one of the bachelor’s degree programmes, you have to submit following documents:
•    a certified translation into English, French or Dutch of your diploma of secondary education
•    a certified copy of that diploma
•    an official document from the ministry of education or from a legal educational body certifying that your diploma of secondary education entitles you access to university in your own country or gives you the opportunity to participate in the entry examinations for universities

If you have already studied at a university, we need a certified copy of your diploma or certificate and a certified translation into English, French or Dutch of that diploma or certificate
If you want to enroll at the Royal Conservatoire of Music  or at the RITS, you will have to pass an artistic entrance examination. Applications should be sent to erasmus_university

Erasmus exchange students should use the standard Application Form and Learning Agreement for enrollment. It can be downloaded on the official website.
The documents are to be sent by ordinary mail or e-mail to:
Johan De Sterke
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels

For more information students can contact the International Office.

Exchange students and scholarships

The Erasmus University College Brussels  has signed bilateral agreements for Erasmus student exchanges with many European and non-European partners. You can check out the list of partner institutions here.
The Erasmus University College Brussels is part of the Lifelong Learning Programmes of the European Union and the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window. Also, it is a member of many international networks:
•    University Network: Compostela Group of Universities, CGU
•    International Education: European Association for International Education, EAIE
•    Audiovisual Arts: International Association of Film and Television Schools, CILECT
•    Scenographers, Theater Architects and technicians
•    Landscape Architecture: Le:Notre
•    European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools, ECLAS
•    Tourism: ATLAS
•    Music: Association européenne des Conservatoires, AEC
•    Languages: European Language Council, ELC
•    Communication: EUPRERA
•    Journalism: European Journalism Training Association, EJTA
•    Business Management: Space European Network For Business Studies and Languages, SPACE
•    Social Work: International Association of Schools of Social Work –
•    Health and Social Welfare: European Thematic Network on Health and Social Welfare Policy, TN PHOENIX
•    Health Care: Dietitians Improving the Education and Training Standards for dietitians across Europe, DIETS
•    Nursing: Consortium of Institutes of Higher Education in Health and Rehabilitation In Europe, COHEHRE
•    Teacher Training: Association for Teacher Education in Europe, ATEE

Central Address:
Erasmushogeschool Brussel
Valéry De Smet
Erasmushogeschool Brussel – dienst Communicatie
Nijverheidskaai 170
1070 Brussel / Belgium

Official website


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