Spring School: Global History, London

Global History: Connected Histories or a History of Connections?

11-14 April 2011, London

Open to: PhD students
Deadline: 31/08/2010

Heidelberg University, the University of Leipzig and the German Historical Institute London organize a Spring School 20111, which will take place in London from 11-14 April 2011.

Referring to the overall congress theme of Connections and Comparisons, the spring school has the title Global History: Connected Histories or a History of Connections? and will focus on two distinct approaches to Global History that particularly illustrate the differing presuppositions and intended insights informing research in the field. It is one of the distinct traits of Global History not to accept the presupposition of self-contained, autonomous cultures, societies or nations as principal units of investigation.

Organizers want to provide PhD students in the field of Global History with an opportunity to study these concepts. This will encompass in-depth discussion with renowned experts in the field, the reading and interpreting of key texts together as well as the presentation and discussion of the participants’ own research projects in the light of the spring school’s principal questions.

Successful applicants will be required to present their projects at the spring school (in German, English or French).

Fees and scholarship
The fee for participation is 85 Euro. A limited number of scholarships will be available for participants from less-privileged backgrounds and need to be applied for separately.

Application procedure
All interested participant should submit in English following documents:
* the letter of motivation;
* an outline of the research project to be presented (1.000-1.500 words);
* two letters of reference.

All the documents need to be submitted by 31 August 2010 to Antje Flüchter at: fluechter@asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de

More info about Cluster of Excellence, Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Heidelberg University

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