University of Vienna

The University of Vienna was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365. It is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe. Currently, about 74,000 students are enrolled at the University of Vienna in 177 courses, of which 52 are Bachelor Programmes, 108 Master Programmes, 7 Diploma Programmes and 10 PhD Programmes. With staff of close to 8,600 employees, 6,500 of which are academic, the University of Vienna is the largest teaching and research institution in Austria. It aims to sustain a wide range of studies, but at the same time to promote new and innovative fields of research, and to establish new networks between subjects.

How to apply

Applicants must meet specific requirements in order to be admitted to a degree programme at the University of Vienna. These specific requirements vary depending on the prior education of the applicant and his/her country of origin. Therefore, admissions are divided into admissions for applicants holding an EU/EEA secondary education diploma, admissions for applicants holding a non-EU/EEA secondary education diploma for the bachelor degree courses, and admissions for graduates holding a degree from the University of Vienna and admissions from graduates holding a degree from another university for the master and doctoral degree courses.

Generally, all application procedures consist of an online pre-application and the submission of a filled out and signed application and relevant documents to the University of Vienna. Additionally, international students have to show evidence of proficiency in German. Admission deadlines for the winter and summer semester are mid-September and mid-February respectively.


Student scholarships and exchanges

University of Vienna focuses its efforts on promoting student mobility and offering students the chance to become part of international research networks. As an institution University of Vienna is a member of the ERASMUS/SOCRATES Programme and a number of international networks such as the Eurasia-Pacific UNINET, the European University Association (EUA), the Institutional Network of the Universities of the Capitals of Europe (UNICA), the Danube Rectors Conference (DRA), CEEPUS, ASEA-UNINET, and the International Joint Study Programme. Additionally, University of Vienna has signed university-wide agreements with more than 30 partner universities from America, Australia, Asia and Europe.

Available study grants can be found via the database of the Austrian Exchange Service. Additionally, grants can be awarded by banks, companies and other institutions.

University of Vienna
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
1010 Wien

Official website


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