Vrije Universiteit Brussels


The Vrije Universiteit Brussels has 28 bachelor programmes, 60 masters and 35 postgraduate masters programmes, as well as a teaching diploma. It is divided into the following faculties: Faculty of Law and Criminology, Faculty of Economic, Social, and Political Sciences and the Solvay Business School, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy.
These faculties have a wide autonomy over how they structure their educational programmes and research efforts.

How to apply

The application procedure for students who want to enroll at Vrije Universiteit Brussel comprises several phases. In general, students have to submit the application form along with all the relevant documents and a Dutch language proficiency certificate. For more detailed admission requirements have a look at the official website of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Erasmus students can contact the Welcome Office.


Exchange students and scholarships

Scholarships for studying at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel are available. These are the scholarships granted by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, scholarships for International Course Programmes (ICP), scholarships for International Training Programmes (ITP), Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships, etc. A complete list of all the available scholarships and details on how to apply can be found here.
The International Relations and Mobility Office supports international students; it provides information regarding:
•    international student services at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
•    study abroad opportunities for Belgian students
•    international internships abroad
•    international initiatives by students in Brussels
•    development cooperation
•    bilateral agreements between universities
•    international programmes such as Erasmus Mundus, Lifelong Learning Programme or LLP, Tempus Tacis, Jean Monnet, Asia Link, etc.

However, the International Relations and Mobility Office does not give information about Master Programmes as such. If students want to know more about VUB’s English-language master programmes they can contact the information desk at info@vub.ac.be.

Central Address:
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussel

Official website


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