Third Transylvanian Political Science Conference, Romania

Deadline: 10 February 2014
Open to: MA students, PhD students, young researchers
Venue: 20-23 February 2014, Cluj, Romania


The Third Transylvanian Political Science Conference organized by the Regional Committee in Cluj of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (KAB), Political Science Section will take place on 20-23 February 2014 in Cluj, Romania. 

The main goal of the conference is to investigate the process of transition and the consolidation that followed after the regime changes of 1989, as well as the system of democratic institutions that emerged as a result, paying special attention to the following aspects:

  • the interpretations of the concept of democracy specific to the analyzed countries;
  • the functioning of democratic institutions and of the rule of law;
  • the party systems and the content of ideologies;
  • the evolution of electoral behavior;
  • the situation and evolution of civil society
  • the relationship between democracy and ethno-cultural diversity;
  • the issue of the boundaries of the political communities in the context of activist kin-state policies;
  • democracy deficit in the EU, prospects for surmounting these issues;
  • are there alternatives to democracy?

The primary working language of the conference is English, however, presentations in Hungarian or Romanian are accepted upon prior request.


The applications are open to MA students, PhD students and young researchers.


The registration fee is 30 RON (2000 HUF = 7 EUR), and covers participation at the conference, conference materials and (partially) the meals served during the event.

Organizers are unable to provide accommodation for conference participants. Participants are asked to arrange their accommodation for the duration of the event individually; organizers will provide a list of accommodation facilities on the website of the conference.

The organizers offer a limited number of participation grants for young researchers and PhD students. The grant consists of a waiver of the participation fee and also covers the accommodation of the participant. Please indicate the intention to apply for this grant during the online registration process.


In order to register, please download and fill out the electronic registration form and submit it online, by clicking on the Send registration form button. The form should send itself automatically. If you are having trouble submitting it, send it manually to the following email address:

Final deadline for applications: 10 February 2014.

For more information visit the official website HERE.

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