University of Copenhagen


The University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark and in a recent international ranking is no. 1 in Scandinavia. The University consists of 8 faculties and more than 100 departments and research centres, with over 37,000 students and more than 7,000 employees. It is located in four campus areas in central Copenhagen. In approximately one hundred different institutes, departments, laboratories, centres, museums, etc., University of Copenhagen offers more than 200 study programmes in health sciences, humanities, law, life sciences, pharma-ceutical sciences, science, social sciences, and theology.

How to apply

When you apply online you must indicate if you wish our assistance in finding a place to stay in Copenhagen, to have the help of a mentor or to participate in a pre-semester Danish language course.

In the the application for admission you are required to describe your proposed study-programme at the University of Copenhagen, and your studies at your home university. You will also be asked to upload an official transcript of your studies at your home university. When you have submitted a complete application form for admission to the University of Copenhagen, we will send your application to the relevant departments for evaluation.
Applications may be submitted throughout the year. However, closing dates for applications are:
1 May for entry in September (autumn semester)
1 October for entry in February (spring semester)
All general inquiries should be directed to:
Inquiries about Admission for incoming students should be directed to:


Student Scholarships and Exchanges

Before you start to apply for a Danish Government Scholarship, please visit the website of the Danish government authority Cirius. Cirius can guide you further in applying for the Danish Government Scholarship.

Firstly you must apply for the scholarship through the relevant authority in your home country within the application deadline set by this autority. If your application is selected by them, they will forward your application to Cirius who then distribute the scholarship applications to the relevant institutions in Denmark, including the University of Copenhagen.

The University of Copenhagen offers a significant number of courses in English each semester. This allows exchange students to put together a comprehensive study programme, which will meet the demands of their home institutions.

Inormation about exchange students
 studying as part of a programme: bilateral exchange, Erasmus and Nordplus.

University of Copenhagen
Nørregade 10, Postboks 2177
1017 København K
Tel. +45 35 32 26 26

Official website

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