Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is the oldest higher education institution in Romania founded one year after the establishment of the Romanian state in 1860. In 2008, for the third year in a row, the University was placed first in the national research ranking. The University is made up of 15 faculties (History, School of Law, School of Business and Administration, Philosophy, Letters, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, School of Pedagogy, Geography, Orthodox Theology, Catholic Theology, and Sport) with more than 38,000 students.

Erasmus Incoming Students

Application Procedure
At least two months before you leave your home university, you should contact the Erasmus Faculty Coordinator for study or placement from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in order to inform him/her about your coming. It is with the Faculty Coordinator that you must discuss the details related to the courses you are going to choose and to your study programme in general.

You must also contact the Erasmus Office of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University if you need help with the practical information concerning registration, accommodation, travel to Iasi, Romanian language courses, or any question you may have related to your Erasmus mobility.

The Erasmus Office Contact:
T: 0040 232 201113
F: 0040 232 201201

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International Students

If you intend to become a FULL-DEGREE or FREE MOVER student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, you can find the information here.

Bulevardul Carol I, nr.11, 700506 Ia?i, ROMANIA
F: (+40 232) 201201
E :

Official website

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