UN Grants for Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Deadline: 1 November 2013
Open to: indigenous peoples’ organizations (local, national or regional), indigenous women’s organizations; and indigenous youth organizations focusing on culture (with a specific focus on indigenous languages) or the environment
Grant: up to US$ 10,000 covering one year’s expenses


The Trust Fund for the Second Decade was established to promote, support and implement the objectives of the Decade. The Fund gives priority to projects concerning the main areas of the Second Decade: culture, education, health, human rights, the environment and social and economic development. The Advisory Group for the Trust Fund for the Second Decade consists of members of the Permanent Forum’s Bureau. Indigenous organizations or organizations working for indigenous peoples can apply for small grants from the Trust Fund.


The Fund is mainly used for small grants projects with a budget for up to US$ 10,000 covering one year’s expenses.

This year, priority will be given to projects that focus on the areas of (i) culture (with a specific focus on indigenous languages); and (ii) the environment (with a specific focus on the respect of the principle of free, prior and informed consent). The proposals will be assessed by the Bureau of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in May 2014 and successful applicants will receive notice thereafter. A list of the organizations awarded grants will also be posted online HERE.

From 2006 to 2012, the Trust Fund awarded grants to a total of 126 projects with a predominance of projects in Asia, Africa and Central and East Europe and Caucasus. Due to limited resources, the Trust Fund has, however, only been able to grant funds to 126 out of a total of 2845 project proposals submitted .

The projects funded have mostly covered the area of human rights (38%) and social and economic development (21%), with 33% focusing specifically on women and 29% on youth – a continually increasing trend. Also, of the funded projects, 57% provided an important opportunity for indigenous peoples to engage directly in dialogue with States. The projects have mainly been implemented with a local focus (76%), with a majority in the rural areas (67%).

More detailed information is available in the grant guidelines HERE.


Who can apply for project grants?

  • Indigenous peoples’ organizations (local, national or regional);
  • Women’s indigenous organization;
  • Indigenous youth organization.

Projects should be of direct benefit to indigenous peoples. Projects should be submitted by indigenous peoples, with the full participation, consultation and free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples, groups or communities to be served by the project. All project proposals must include written evidence of free, prior and informed consent, such as a letter or document including names, signatures and contact details of the indigenous peoples, groups or communities the project seeks to serve.

Projects should take into account gender balance. Projects focusing on indigenous women, children and youth will be given special consideration. In order to be admissible, the Budget should be based on realistic local costs and salaries. Sustainability of the project and its long-term impact for social change and improvement in the situation of indigenous peoples will be important criteria.


Applications in response to the 2014 call for proposals will be accepted until 1 November 2013. Download the form in English HERE, Spanish HERE, French HERE or Russian HERE. Applications are to be submitted to: indigenousfund@un.org. Or by mail to:

Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Division for Social Policy and Development
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations Secretariat, Room S-2954
New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.

Completed applications may be submitted in English, French, Spanish, or Russian. They should be dated and signed by the Executive Director.

For further details, please consult the application guidelines HERE in English. The guidelines are also available on the official website HERE in Spanish, French and Russian.

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