Youth Forum on Water Issues, Budapest

Deadline: apply as soon as possible
Open to: every person between the ages of 15 and 35 years engaged in water issues
Venue: Budapest, Hungary from 8 to 11 October, 2013


From 8 to 11 October 2013, the Budapest Water Summit will take place with the participation of UN Member States, competent UN agencies and bodies as well as all concerned economic and social partners. The Summit aims to contribute to the elaboration of the water-related Sustainable Development Goals and provide concrete guidance on the most pressing water issues – drinking water, sanitation, waste water treatment, integrated water management, international water cooperation, innovative water technologies – with a view to defining the priorities of global development policy post 2015.

During the summit, a Youth Forum will be organised, clearly contributing to the aims to provide a space for future decision-makers to develop, collect and exchange ideas and opinions during the Budapest Water Summit as well as to engage in the longer-term process involved in outlining the Budapest Recommendations.

Criteria to join the Youth Forum:

  1. Every person between the ages of 15 and 35 years
  2. Engaged in water issues and the post 2015 agenda
  3. Willing to engage other young people and young organisations
  4. With the clear aim to follow up on the outcomes


There is limited financial support for some participants to join the summit in Hungary (Travel and accommodation). Lunch is provided for everyone during the summit.

You can apply for this financial support by indicating in the application form (see bellow).

How to Apply?

If you would like to contribute to the youth forum by attending the Youth Forum in Budapest please register and fill in the application form HERE.  The places at the Youth Forum are limited. Successful applicants will be notified by August 2013.

You can also contribute online, by contributing to the youth statement, and tweeting with the organizers during the summit. The organizers are still working hard to make the youth summit available via a live stream.

For more information please visit the official website.

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