Ramsar Small Grants Fund

Deadline: 30/06/2010

“The Ramsar Small Grants Fund (SGF) was established in 1990 as a mechanism to assist developing countries and those with economies in transition in implementing the Convention and to support the conservation and wise use of wetland resources, with a strong human and social dimension. From 1991 to 2008 the Fund has provided a total of 7.5 million Swiss Francs to 227 projects from 108 countries, providing up to 40,000 Swiss francs (about US$32,000) per project.”

“Suitable project proposals are those which contribute to the implementation of the Convention’s Strategic Plan 2003-2008 for the conservation and wise use of wetlands; provide emergency assistance for Ramsar sites; or provide ‘preparatory assistance’ to allow non-Contracting Parties to progress toward accession. Eligibility is restricted tocountries on the List of Aid Recipients established by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), effectively meaning developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Projects may be proposed and implemented by any agency, NGO, or individual, but proposals MUST be endorsed and monitored by the Administrative Authority (the Ramsar implementing agency) in the Party’s government, and seldom is more than one proposal approved from the same Party in any year. Successful proposals receive 80% of the allocated funds upon signature of the contract and the remainder upon submission of an adequate final report, but countries from which adequate final project reports have not been received may be denied further consideration for funding until those outstanding project dossiers have been closed.”

“The Secretariat’s regional teams also offer an advisory service to help with the preparation of suitable proposals, for which drafts should be submitted to the Senior Regional Advisors by 30 April 2010. Please note that our advice is intended to help to improve project proposals for re-submission to the Small Grants Fund process, but it is not a guarantee that the proposals will be approved by the Standing Committee when it makes its decisions.”

The deadline for submitting applications is 30 June 2010. For more information, visit RAMSAR WEBSITE

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