Deadline: 15 July, 2012
Open to: law graduates with an interest in performing research on European private law
Remuneration: 2.379, 2.492, 2.612 Euro
The Faculty of Law, located in the heart of Amsterdam, has an international profile and is marked by a strong social commitment. Both qualities are expressed in its research and education. It is one of the largest law faculties in the Netherlands, comprising 3600 students and 350 employees.
For the Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL), the Faculty is currently looking for a
PhD student for 30.4 to 38 hours per week.
Vacancy number W12-139
The Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL) aims to promote high-quality research and education in the area of European contract law. Its research programme focuses on the interplay between
the European, national and international laws of contract. It understands contract law in a wide sense, i.e. the law of economic transactions. The CSECL takes an inspiring, active approach to supervising its PhD students and as such organises regular meetings for its research staff. At present, there are five PhD students of
various nationalities affiliated with the CSECL. The PhD students’ activities will consist mainly of performing PhD research within the CSECL’s research programme.
Candidates can choose among the following topics:
1. Private law and democracy (Prof Hesselink)
2. The reception of general principles of EU law in national contract laws (Dr. Mak)
3. System building in private international law (Prof. Van Hoek)
4. Towards a more effective enforcement of consumer law in Europe:
collective redress (Prof. Loos)
5. Equality of creditors and priority (Prof. Salomons)
Alternatively, candidates can propose a specific research subject of their own choice within the scope of following research themes: a) EU private law integration and its effects on national private laws(Prof. Loos and Van Hoek); b) Property, publicity, priority (Prof.Salomons); The legitimacy of postnational private law (Prof. Hesselink).
Candidates are expected to enclose a brief research proposal with their letter of application. The candidates should be law graduates with an interest in performing research on European private law.
In principle, this concerns a full-time appointment for a three-year period. Initially, the PhD students will be appointed for one year. At the end of the first year, the PhD students’ work will be evaluated in order to determine whether the research can be successfully completed within the appointment period. The decision to
extend the appointment by two years will be taken accordingly. An appointment of 0.8 FTE is possible in consultation with the intended PhD thesis supervisor. In that case, the appointment will be extended
pro rata (although the initial appointment will still remain limited to one year). The PhD student will not have any teaching obligations. The salary for the first year will amount to 2.379,= Euro, the second year 2.492,= Euro and the last year it will be 2.612,= Euro.
Applications should preferably be submitted by e-mail to and should include your research proposal (a topic and brief plan of approach will suffice; you may be asked to provide a more detailed proposal during the second round), your list of marks, an explanation of your motivation and your
curriculum vitae. Please enter the vacancy number in the subject field. You may also apply in writing, making sure to include the vacancy number on both your letter of application and the envelope, to:
The Universiteit van Amsterdam, Director of the Faculty of Law, dr. P.M. Kwantes, attn. P&O department, P.O. Box 1030, 1000 BA Amsterdam.
Applications received after 15 July 2012 will not be considered.
Further information — For general questions concerning the position, please contact Prof. Dr. M.W. Hesselink (Director of the CSECL), telephone +31 (0)20-525 3569 / 7347, e-mail