Human Rights Fellowship

Deadline: 30 June 2012
Open to:  Women of all nationalities, having a degree from a higher education institution or an equivalent qualification or have substantial relevant work experience at a significant comparable level
Fellowship: CHF 20,000, payable in two instalments


The International Federation of University Women (IFUW) is proud to announce the Conchita Poncini Jimenez Human Rights Fellowship promoting the use of human rights instruments and agreements for the advancement of women and girls. The award is named in honour of Conchita Poncini Jimenez, IFUW Representative to the United Nations from 1994-2011.

From her professional career with the International Labour Office from 1964-1994, to her active volunteer work with IFUW from 1994 until her death from cancer in 2011, Conchita spent her life fighting for gender equality and women’s empowerment.   She was a leader in the campaign to have women’s rights recognized as human rights and lobbied continuously against violations and practices that threaten the rights and lives of women and girls throughout the world.

Up to 70% of the world’s women will experience violence in their lifetime.  Up to 800,000 persons are trafficked across international borders annual, the vast majority of them women and girls.  Three million girls per year are thought to be at risk of genital mutilation.  Only one country out of three has reach gender parity at both the primary and secondary school levels.  These are but a few of the stark statistics on violations of women’s human rights taking place throughout the world.

International human rights instruments and agreements to protect women human rights, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), have been adopted, but much work is needed to ensure their implementation at the national  and local level. The Conchita Poncini Jimenez Human Rights Fellowship will be awarded for advanced research, an internship or study related to the use of human rights instruments and agreements for the advancement of women.

Those interesting in supporting this award can contribute by clicking on the donate button on The official website.


  • The Conchita Poncini Jimenez Human Rights Fellowship is open to women human rights activists, scholars, journalists, writers, or social scientists with a demonstrated commitment to the advancement of women and girls and the attainment of their human rights.
  • Both IFUW members and non-members may apply.
  • Preference will be given to applicants with at least five years of proven activist and/or research experience in the field.
  • All applicants must either have a degree from a higher education institution or an equivalent qualification or have substantial relevant work experience at a significant comparable level.
  • The award is open to women of all nationalities.
  • Proposals must relate to the use of human rights instruments and agreements for the advancement of women, for example the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) or the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
  • The award may be used for any of the following: a major research project at a university or institution of higher learning in any country; an internship or project to be carried out with an appropriate international or national human rights organization; or study for an appropriate academic qualification (e.g. Masters or PhD) for those with substantial experience of national or international human rights activity but no higher degree.



  • The CPJ Human Rights Fellow will receive CHF 20,000, payable in two instalments.  The first will be paid at the beginning of tenure, the second after submission of a mid-term report.
  • The award is non-renewable.
  • The award is for 8 to 12 months of full-time work/study or up to 24 months of part-time work/study.
  • The CPJ Human Rights Fellow will be expected to:
    1. Complete the work or study for which the award is given;
    2. Submit a one-page mid-term progress report;
    3. Contribute a written report of 3,000 to 5,000 words by the end of the funding period;
    4. Make an oral presentation at IFUW’s Triennial Conference in Istanbul in August 2013, for which airfare and accommodation will be provided.
  • Any changes in a recipient’s plan of research, study or training differing from the application must have prior written approval of the selection committee.
  • The financial assistance given by IFUW must be acknowledged in any published material embodying the results of the work carried out.


  • All applications must be submitted using the Application Form.
    Please read the Instructions carefully. Applicants who do not follow the steps outlined in this material will be disqualified.
  • Applications and all supporting documents must be sent to no later than 30 June 2012.   Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • The period for which an IFUW award is requested may begin no earlier than 1 September 2012 and must be completed no later than 31 December 2014.
  • Applicants must complete the official application form, including a personal statement explaining their human rights experience and future plans. They will also be asked to provide a letter of confirmation from their host university/organization/institution, as well as three letters of reference from. Please read the instructions for full details.  Applicants who do not follow the steps outlined in this material will be disqualified.
  • Applications will be screened by a small panel of IFUW and external reviewers with human rights expertise.  A small number will be chosen as finalists.  Phone interviews will be conducted with finalists. Applicants will be notified of the competition results by the end of August 2012.

The Official Website

One thought on “Human Rights Fellowship

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