Cultures Exchange Video Contest (ME)

Deadline: 20 July 2012
Open to: Young people between 16-32
Prizes: 1000$


ME is cultures exchanges contest for young people all around the world. The contest is a platform for young people to tell others about their cultures in a short 3 minutes film. You have the opportunity to tell the world “This is ME”!!

The organizing team comes from different parts of the world gathered with the aim to share their learning from cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.

The main objectives of the contest are to learn from cultures diversity and encourage young people toward intercultural dialogue.

You can share*:

  • Your cultural beliefs, moral values, traditions, language, laws, etc.
  • Your normal daily activities
  • Weekend activities
  • Family and neighborhood information
  • Work
  • History of your village, town, city, etc.
  • Social activities & projects
  • Education
  • Reaction to world issues

(* you may cover all the above topics or you can select from them.. Just be creative!!)


The organizers offer a prize of 1000$.


The contest is open to young people from all around the world between 16-32 years.

The video must be maximum 3 minutes in length (anything over will not be accepted), and it should be in one of the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Japanese, Italian, German and Dutch, as these are the languages of the organizing committee.


  • Video SHOULD NOT contain vulgarity, violence, defamatory language, or any inappropriate contents
  • Should your video not appear in the contest page within 5 days, please send email to or


  • Upload your video to YouTube
  • Send the YouTube link of your video via email to or
  • Provide your name, age, contact details, video language and nationality in the body of the email

Deadline for submission is 20 July 2012.

The Official Website

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