Grants for Doctoral Students in The Basque Institute of Competitiveness

Deadline: 30 April 2012
Open to: Students looking to undertake Ph.D. studies in the Basque Institute of Competitiveness and postgraduate students at other institutions
Grant: 12.000€ awards for each year doctoral fellowships from one year to  up to three years


Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness is a center for analysis and debate on territorial competitiveness founded in 2006 through the Deusto Foundation. Through investigation of excellence, specialized instruction programs and constant interaction with the economic agents, including enterprises, aims to orientate the development of public policies, the agendas of relevant agents, and the dynamics of the enterprises.

Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness (University of Deusto) is now offering grants for individuals wishing to lead a research in one of the departments below:

  • Territory, Innovation and Clusters (San Sebastián). (2012RRHHPD – TIC)
  • Entrepreneurship (San Sebastián). (2012RRHHPD – ENT)
  • Strategy (San Sebastián). (2012RRHHPD – STR)
  • Energy (Bilbao). (2012RRHHPD – ENE)


For grant may apply:

  • Students looking to undertake Ph.D. studies within the doctoral program offered by the Basque Institute of Competitiveness and the University of Deusto.
  • Postgraduate students at other institutions whose research focus is in one of mentioned fields and who wish to undertake a fellowship at the Basque Institute of Competitiveness, while continuing their studies.
Required Languages: ENGLISH Excellent and SPANISH-Basic


Grants conditions:

  • 12.000€ awards for each year doctoral fellowships from one year to  up to three years.
  • Payment of enrolment fees.
  • Job facilities: computer, work facilities, etc.
  • Access to funding for attending congresses.


Candidates should apply via email to, including the following information:

  • C.V.
  • Description of current areas of research developed in thesis (maximum 2 pages)
  • Minimum of 3 references (including contact info, email).
  • Proof of registration in a doctoral programme, or evidence that you applied for a doctoral programme.

Application deadline: 30th April, 2012
Start Date up to: 30th September, 2012

More information is available at The Official Website.

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