Memories of Migrations and Historical Time – Conference

Deadline: 25 March 2012
Open to: all interested, but doctoral students and early career-researchers are particularly welcome to hand in a paper
Costs: speakers’ travel and accommodation expenses will be fully covered


For the past thirty years, memories have become a recognized field of inquiry in historical studies and the social sciences. Within this
framework, migrants have a particular place: in France, they have been actors of these memorial mobilizations but have not always done so on behalf of their origins. Thinking of memories of migrations – in the plural – enables us to consider both emigration and immigration but also the different categories of migrants regardless of their status.

It is important to reflect more generally on the role played by memory in the history of migrations since the nineteenth century, especially regarding the formation of group identities and the establishment of transnational and diaspora networks. This conference aims to stimulate reflection by focusing on five main, albeit overlapping, areas.

  • Event, temporalities and transmission
  • Geographical territories, social spaces, mobilities and levels of analysis
  • Identities and multiple belonging
  • Symbolic policies and heritage
  • Historians of immigration and memories of migrations


Call is open for all working and/or interested in these topics. However, submissions by doctoral students and early career researchers are particularly welcome.


Proposals for papers should be sent in French or English (Word format or as an rtf attachment) to following address: Proposals should include a title and abstract of 3,000 characters (450 words), as well as your contact details (surname, first name, post and institutional affiliation, email and (home) postal addresses, telephone numbers) and a short biography. Final papers should be submitted at least three weeks before the conference to be read in advance by the discussants. Several types of proposals will be particularly welcome: those favouring a long-term historical analysis across the centuries; those considering mobility between social or geographical spaces; and finally, those developing a comparative perspective between country of origin and receiving country. More widely, this interdisciplinary conference embraces all proposals incorporating an epistemological reflection.

Deadline for submissions: 25 March 2012

Conference Committee makes final selection of papers: May 2012.
Deadline for written conference papers: 31 October 2012.

Speakers’ travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the conference organizers; further details will be sent out in June 2012.

The conference is organised by the Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, in partnership with the research centres Framespa (CNRS / Université Toulouse-Le Mirail) and Citeres (CNRS / Université de Tours).

The full-length Call for Papers can be read here.

The Official Website (in French)

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