IDB Scholarship Programme for Muslim Communities in Non-Member Countries (SPMC)

Deadline: June / December each year
Open to: students/applicants aged not over 24 years
Scholarship: covers all relevant expenses during study period

The Programme was launched in 1404H (1983G), named ‘The IDB Scholarship Programme for Muslim Communities in Non-Member Countries’ (SPMC). The objective of the Programme is to improve the socio-economic conditions and to preserve the cultural and religious identities of Muslim Communities in Non-member Countries through developing their human capital resources. The Programme provides scholarship to the academically meritorious but financially needy young Muslim students to pursue undergraduate or first-degree study in professional courses.


The concept of the Programme is to build a team of professional and committed Muslims as a tool for the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of their communities. Under this Programme, the scholarships are given as interest-free loan to the students but grants to the communities to which they belong. After graduation and gainful employment, all graduates are obliged to repay their loan amount to the community (IDB Local Trusts) for recycling and awarding additional scholarships to the local needy students.


To be eligible for this scholarship, the student/applicant must be able to meet the following basic criteria:

  • Age not over 24 years.
  • Completed senior secondary / pre-university education with good grades in major science subjects and language of instruction.
  • Secured admission in one of the disciplines covered under the Programme at a recognized college or university in their own countries (for in-country study).
  • Not in receipt of any other scholarship.
  • Committed and needy Muslim.
  • Recommended by the Counterpart Organization.


Fields of study

  • Medicine
  • Engineering
  • Agriculture
  • Other fields related to above disciplines

Consistent with the concept of the Programme, students must get admission or be in the first year in their own countries.
On exceptional basis and where admissions in professional courses are not possible or not available in any particular country, the IDB assists to place students from these countries in IDB member countries, which have been generous enough to provide places for the IDB students in their universities.


The Programme covers all relevant expenses during students’ study period, including tuition fees, health and living costs as determined by the IDB.

The Programme is announced through the Counterpart Organizations in beneficiary countries and follows a 12-month cycle of academic and logistic activities every year. The schedule is drawn on the basis of academic calendars of universities and institutions where IDB students will study. The timetable is as follows:
January: Announcement
June-December: Deadline for submission of applications to the IDB (for in-country studies)
May-July: Deadline for submission to the IDB (for abroad studies)

How to Apply

In countries, where the Programme is being implemented, inquiries can be made and application form obtained from Counterpart Organization in the country.
In a country, where the Programme has not yet been implemented, inquiries may be directed to the Scholarship Division, Department of Communities in Non-Member Countries, IDB.

Application Form

Official Website

10 thoughts on “IDB Scholarship Programme for Muslim Communities in Non-Member Countries (SPMC)

  1. peace upon you

    dear IDB team

    i really love your ideasof improving the life conditions for the Muslim communities(i wish a good luck for youà

    i'm a student in architecture,this year i will be graduated as architect afer 5 year of studies in blida university

    ilove to continue my studies(master 2 and phd)in order to help our societies to improve their cities and life condition!!!

    i want a help from any organisation to get a scholarship or to help me finding a job in order to cover my studies tuitions…

    i focus my sight on Eu UNIVERSITIES.

  2. I am a muslim who wish to enrol my Masters programme in Agricultural and applied economics, The course is to be offered in East africa at Sokoine university of Agriculture, Morogoro Region in Tanzania,

    My age is 36 and i wish to undertake the studies in question but my problem is finances, may you support me via IDB scholarships or any funing sources? My first degree was BSC. Agriculture general and my GPA is 3.1. I was selected just aprox. a week ago to join the class of only six students, i graduated since 2004 and ever since i worked as an agro officer and unfortunately i do not have funds to support me during my studies and strictly iam in NEED OF HELP. For easy communication use my email adress or my mobile +255765914783.

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