Eyes on the Street Contest

Deadline: 27 March 2011
Open to: public in general, anyone interested in street surrounding, volunteering, in photography, journalism, art, associations, collectives, groups, movements, music, dance, sport etc.
Award: selected photos/works will take part in a special photo exhibition in Skopje and published in VOICES magazine

Street is a paved public thoroughfare in a built environment. Is a public parcel of land adjoining buildings in an urban context, on which people may freely assemble, interact, and move about. The street is a public easement, one of the few shared between all sorts of people” (Wikipedia)

Have you ever walked on the street and thought what’s connecting all those people working/living there?
What brought all of them right to this place, to share this particular area?

In present times, when the EU is getting bigger and bigger and is starting to play more important role in our lives, when borders are fading, traveling, changing places and also meeting other cultures is getting easier.

This special mix of dialogues, stories and experiences is making our lives more colorful & creative but also we’re still often not well prepared to meet the “others”…or we’re preparing not so much…

But the strongest characteristic of Europe and the world is their diversity, i. e. different countries, various cultures, music, languages, customs, streets etc. All those things are making us exactly who we really are. They are all part of our real life.

You too can participate in the contest Eyes on the Street whose aim is to present the street through your eyes. Your entry (or entries) should show the real look of today’s streets. You can capture topics such as: street art (graffiti, murals, slam poetry, sculptures etc.); street festivals (music, street sports etc.); social movements (protests, parades etc.); social exclusion (homeless, beggars etc.)


Eyes on the Street is open to public in general, anyone interested in street surrounding, volunteering, in photography, journalism, art, associations, collectives, groups, movements, music, dance, sport etc.

The participation in this contest may be done individually or by group. Each participant can be involved just in one project, either individually or as a group. Each project should contain a minimum of three and maximum ten photographs. If your project is written, so if it’s essay, it should not be longer than 4000 characters.


Photos/works selected by jury will take part in special photo exhibition in Skopje, the capital city of Republic of Macedonia. Also they will be published in VOICES magazine.

How to Enter

PHOTO Submission:

Photos should by sent in ZIP file
File must not be bigger than 20MG

Your e-mail should contain this information:
Kind of project: individual/ group
Project title
Description: not longer than 1500 characters
Name(s) and surname(s) of participant(s)
Email, mobile phone number

ESSAY Submission:

Your essay should have the following title: FIRST NAME_LAST NAME_ESSAY TITLE
Essay can not be longer than 4000 characters

Your e-mail should contain this information:
Kind of project: individual/ group
Essay title
Name(s) and surname(s) of participant(s)
Email, mobile phone number

Both photos and essays should be sent by e-mail to: eyesonthestreets@gmail.com by 27 March 2011.

The Official Webpage.

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