Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity 2025

Deadline: 11 April 2024
Open to:
international applicants
all educational experiences and travel expenses related to participation in this fellowship including in-person convenings are paid


The Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity programme is designed to bring together the many diverse industries and professions that influence health and well-being including, but not limited to: art, law, business, academia, government, journalism, social enterprise, research, media, housing, and health care delivery.

Fellows will be selected based on demonstrated commitment in the area of health equity and leadership potential. The programme will build and support a group of global, multidisciplinary leaders equipped with the technical knowledge, skills and network to advance health equity in their organizations and communities.

Selected fellows will need to:

  • Attend 3-4 in person convenings throughout the year (~5-week time commitment).
  • Participate in the online curriculum that includes: biweekly online classes, individualized coaching, peer mentoring, and team-based learning (12-16 hours per month).
  • Be proficient in the English language.


Open to individuals who:

  • Want to become global leaders in the elimination of health disparities
  • Are early to mid-career;
  • Are currently engaged in health-related work;
  • Are currently in leadership or a position that has potential for leadership;
  • Value diverse perspectives;
  • Enjoy working in groups.

Selection Criteria

  • Strength of statement of interest, including past accomplishments that demonstrate a strong commitment to health equity
  • Quality of project proposal
  • Strength of recommendation
  • Letter of support from employer
  • Result of interview(s)


All educational experiences and travel expenses related to participation in this fellowship including in-person convenings are paid for by Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity.

How to apply?

The following are required for the application:

  • A brief statement (no more than 500 words) addressing the reasons you want to be a fellow, including a discussion of your major strengths and unique personal and leadership characteristics.
  • A health equity project proposal you would like to complete during your fellowship year.
  • Your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume.
  • Two letters of recommendation.
  • An employer support form completed by someone in a direct supervisory role that is willing to serve as your advisor, assisting with your growth as you pursue a focus on change leadership for health equity.


For more information please visit the official website.