Youth Ambassador for the Right to Peace

Deadline: 30 June 2021
Open to: young people aged 18-35


The global advocacy programme “Towards the enforcement of the right to peace” wants to revive the work in the UN Human Rights Council and the General Assembly on the human right to peace and initiate the work in the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court on crimes against peace, bringing the perspective of young leaders into the discussion. The programme creates the Global Coalition of Youth Ambassadors for the Right to Peace, a global network of young leaders who are campaigning for strengthening the human right to peace and crimes against peace in the global order. With each State represented with its Youth Ambassador, the Global Coalition wants to promote its Youth Declaration on the Right to Peace and be heard in every State, on every continent, in all national, regional and global institutions.


  • age 18-35
  • citizenship of one of the UN member states or non-member observer states

Selection criteria 

  • record of activities in the State of citizenship in the area of law, human rights, peace activism, climate change activism, advocacy for legislative changes
  • general knowledge of UN affairs, human rights and/or international justice
  • strong motivation to lead national campaigns and be part of a global movement


The benefits for the participants will be participation in the Global Coalition of Youth Ambassadors, an important role in leading national, continental and global campaigns to adopt instruments on the human right to peace and crimes against peace, exposure to the international environment, organizing conferences throughout the duration of the advocacy programme, etc.
Youth Ambassadors are also expected to hold dialogue with politicians and policymakers. This will be done (presently due to the pandemic) in a series of webinars, hence these activities should also enhance the visibility of the Youth Ambassador in his/her home country but also globally.

How to apply?

For more information please visit the official website.