Nominations International Children’s Peace Prize 2020

Deadline: 6 March 2020
Open to: young change-makers above 12 years and under 18 years of age around the world
Benefits: a project fund of EUR 100,000 is invested by KidsRights in projects that are closely connected to the winners’ area of work.


The International Children’s Peace Prize is awarded annually to a child who fights courageously for children’s rights. Winning the International Children’s Peace Prize puts your change-maker in news headlines around the world. Last year, the winners’ message reached more than 1.6 billion people!

Nominate your change-making candidate now! Last year they received 137 nominations from 56 countries around the world.


They are looking for young change-makers above 12 years and under 18 years of age around the world.

  • A child above 12 years and under 18 years of age; (the child should not be older than 17 years by the time of the nomination deadline)
  • From all over the world;
  • The child must have a clear history of standing up and fighting for the rights of him/herself and other children. It is important that the child has an active approach in accomplishing this goal, which has led to a concrete result;
  • Ability to travel abroad and feeling comfortable communicating with other people;
  • The child agrees to being nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize.

NB. A group of children can be nominated, provided that every individual in the group made a provable effort and co-initiated the activities that resulted in an exceptional difference for the rights of the child and the position of vulnerable children, anywhere in the world (organizations as a whole will not be considered).


The International Children’s Peace Prize is awarded annually to a child, anywhere in the world, for his or her dedication to children’s rights. The International Children’s Peace Prize is a sign of recognition for the young winner. He or she receives the statuette ‘Nkosi’, which shows how a child sets the world in motion. The winner also receives a study grant and a world-wide platform to promote his or her ideals and causes to the benefit of children’s rights. A project fund of EUR 100,000 is invested by KidsRights in projects that are closely connected to the winners’ area of work.

How to Apply?

For more information, and how to apply, please visit the official website.