Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowships

Deadline: 14 October 2016
Open to: individuals interested in working on special projects designed to advance journalism in some new way
Fellowship: fellows will have access to the extensive resources at Harvard and throughout Cambridge, including local scholars, research centers and libraries


The Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowships at Harvard offer short-term research opportunities to individuals interested in working on special projects designed to advance journalism in some new way. Candidates need not be practicing journalists, but must demonstrate the ways in which their work at Harvard and the Nieman Foundation may improve the prospects for journalism’s future. This may be related to research, programming, design, financial strategies or another topic. Both U.S. and international applicants are invited to apply.


  • In addition to working journalists, those who should consider applying include publishers, programmers, designers, media analysts, academics and others interested in enhancing quality, building new business models or designing programs to improve journalism;
  • Project proposals may be completed during the time spent at Harvard or be part of a larger undertaking;
  • All visiting fellows are expected to be in residence in Cambridge during their study and present their findings to the Nieman community at the end of their research period;
  • There are no academic prerequisites, and a college degree is not required;


Successful applicants are invited to the Nieman Foundation for a period ranging from a few weeks to three months, depending on the scope of the project. Knight Visiting Nieman Fellows have access to the extensive resources at Harvard and throughout Cambridge, including local scholars, research centers and libraries. Successful applicants also have the opportunity to work with Nieman Fellows and the various projects housed at the Nieman Foundation, including Nieman Reports, Nieman Journalism Lab, and Nieman Storyboard.

How to apply?

In order to apply fill the application form.

For more information please visit the official web page.

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