“Khetane Kadima” Study Session on Combating Antisemitism and Antigypsyism in Budapest

Deadline: 15 September 2016
Open to:
 young Jewish, Roma and non-Roma being familiar with the topics related to Jewish and/or Romani communities aged between 18-30 years who resident in a member state of the European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe
20-26 November, Budapest, Hungary


After a successful event Raise your voice for Roma – international seminar and European youth event 2016 organised by Phiren Amenca and European Union of Jewish students, organizers decided to organise the first study session by Jewish and Roma youth organizations in order to combat racism, antisemitism and antigypsyism together.

The session aims to raise solidarity, awareness and capacity of Romani and Jewish youth activist and their organisations in combating racism and discrimination, especially antigypsyism and antisemitism.


  • To develop participants’ knowledge and understanding on the concepts, history and structures of antigypsyism and antisemitism;
  • To reflect on one’s own identity and to explore the Romani and Jewish culture;
  • To explore common interests and the opportunities to create alliances and cooperation; to develop participants’ competences to act as multipliers in their local communities;
  • To develop products ( campaigns, model local actions, educational activities and workshops) to be used in further actions at local and national level.


  • Young Jewish, Roma and non-Roma being familiar with the topics related to Jewish and/or Romani communities;
  • Be aged 18-30 (exceptions possible);
  • Be resident in a member state of the European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe;
  • Be committed to attend for the full duration of the study session be able to work and express autonomously in English;
  • Be motivated to develop their competencies in the topic of antisemitism and antigypsyism;
  • This activity is disabled people friendly.


  • For this study session the participation fee is EUR 50. The amount will be deducted from the travel reimbursement of the participant. If you have any concerns covering this fee, a limited number of scholarships can be offered. Please contact the organizers;
  • The reimbursement of the travel expenses (based on economical prices, Apex, student price, special price) will take on the spot during the week in EURO or by bank transfer after the activity. Participants should bring with them the original invoices to prove the costs of travel (ticket and visa) as well the tickets.

How to apply?

To apply for this study session, please download this form as a word document, fill in and send it to the following email address: khetane.kadima@gmail.com latest by 15 September 2016, midnight CET.

For more information, please visit the official website.

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