Write a Blog About the Balkans and Win a 2-Week Trip!

Deadline: 12 August 2016
Open to: travel bloggers
Award: all-expense paid trip across the Balkans for 2 weeks in a branded camper


Do you have what it takes to be a Balkanvibe.com travel blogger? Send your best original blog about the Balkans. If your post vibes it will be published on Balkanvibe.com website and expand your audience to include thousands of readers and fellow travelers!

By submitting your blog entries, you enter a chance to go on a free, 2-week trip around the Balkans. This is the first in a series of Balkanvibe.com trips to be hosted in the coming year. Even if you aren’t selected for this trip, there is an opportunity to connect with new partners to write for us in the future.

All entries must identify and correspond to at least one of the following Balkanvibe.com categories (multiple categories per article permitted):

  • Culture & Art;
  • Places;
  • Nature’s Way;
  • Party & Nightlife;
  • Sport & Adventure;
  • Food & Drink;
  • Business Traveler;
  • Music & Festivals;
  • Fashion & Design;
  • Community & Activism;
  • Family Fun;
  • Who’s Who.


  • All travel bloggers are welcome to submit their best stories;
  • Balkanvibe.com will publish entries over the span of the 5-week period;
  • All entries will be judged based on creativity, quality, social media virality, style, content, accuracy of information, and bloggers’ network.


  • The top 3 winners will receive an all-expense paid trip across the Balkans for 2 weeks in a branded camper. You will have a set itinerary (TBD) of excursions and tours;
  • Each winner will take their trip across the region independently, with varying itineraries;
  • Winners commit to writing one blog post for each day of the trip (800-2,000 words), as well as updates referencing Balkanvibe.com on their social media accounts.

How to apply?

  • All contest entries must be in English;
  • Please submit up to three original, Balkan-related entries between 800 and 1,500 words- with 5 to 10 photographs included;
  • All entries must be original and can be previously-published work;
  • All contest entries must be submitted as a Word document to contest@balkanvibe.com by 12 August 2016;
  • Authors may submit up to three entries;
  • Entrants should include a short author bio (75 words max.) and an author headshot to publish with their travel article. The author bio may contain one link to the author’s website, blog, or any other online destination chosen by the entrant. No more than one link per bio will be published.

For more information please visit the official website.

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