PhD Research Fund at Ghent University

Deadline: 07/09/2010
Open to: PhD students at a non-Flemish university intending to take a joint doctorate at both their home institution and Ghent University
Fund: € 81.940 for 24 months

Ghent University supports students who want to take a doctorate under joint supervision of Ghent University and a non-Flemish partner university or institution for higher education. No restrictions are imposed on the field of research, nor on the age of the applicant.

Ghent University, abbreviated to UGent, is one of the major universities in the Dutch-speaking region of Europe. It distinguishes itself as a socially committed and pluralistic university in a broad international perspective.The PhD-student has to stay minimum 6 months and maximum 24 months at Ghent University. The stay may be divided into several periods within the span of 4 years.

* the candidate applies for this funding jointly with a promoter of Ghent University (to find a promoter candidates can browse through the list of faculties)
* the Research Council makes a selection of the applications. The selection is based on the evaluation of the project, the added value of the stay at Ghent University for the joint doctorate, the qualifications of the applicant and the scientific potential of both the promoter’s research group and the research group at the partner institution
* earliest starting date of the funding is 1 January 2011

* the maximum amount for this scholarship is € 81.940 for 24 months;
* the cofunding consist of a fixed amount of € 1.000 per month’s stay at Ghent University to cover (part of) the costs for travel, accommodation, insurances, etc. plus a bench-fee of € 310 per month intended for the Ghent University promoter.

Application procedure
All interested applicants should submit the application form (in English) at the latest at 7 September 2010 at 5 p.m. to folowing address:

President of the Research Council
c/o Research Co-ordination Unit
New Rectorate Building, 4th floor,
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25,
9000 Gent,

Important: send also an electronic version to

With any further queries contact

More detailed info

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