Deadline: 07 October 2021
Open to: researcher/s, Think Tank organization coming from the Western Balkan region, Research university department, Civil Society Networks and Advocacy Platforms representing CSO sector
Benefits: The best papers will be published in a dedicated journal or edited book
Under the theme of “Migration, Development and Diaspora in the Western Balkans”, the hybrid conference that will be organized in Tirana (27-28 October) will bring together a broad range of researchers and organizations focusing on migration in the Western Balkans. The Call for Abstracts invite researchers to submit abstracts that will define the impact and trends of migration in the Western Balkans. After three decades since the start of the post-socialism period in the Western Balkans, international migration remains one of the most discussed issues in the region due to its size, intensity, socio-economic consequences and evolving nature. The last decade has been characterized by an intensification of the migratory processes, where the most-occurring trends continue to be emigration, return and transit migration. Meanwhile, the Western Balkans route has been one of the main migratory routes for refugee flows from outside Europe that aim to enter EU countries. The third emigration decade was also characterized by a diversification in terms of types of migration and a further shift in the pattern of destinations. All these factors have made migration an unavoidable topic even when discussing the EU integration process of the Western Balkan countries.
They invite abstracts that address these developments in the Western Balkans. Papers to be presented in the conference should focus on one or more of the following topics:
• Emigration in the Western Balkans
• Return migration in the WB
• Transit migration in the WB
• Asylum-seekers in the WB
• Diaspora and migration in the WB
• Reintegration mechanisms in the WB
• Migration during COVID-19 in the WB
• Migration as an important economic resource in the WB
• Brain drain in the WB
• Migration, labour force and education in the WB
• Government strategies to address migration in the WB
The importance of having a comprehensive Call for Abstracts fills a critical knowledge gap and offers the necessary data-based evidence to policy makers and donors including other strategic stakeholders, both on impact and trends related to migration. It also provides policy makers with tools to develop policies and strategies on how to address certain topics that impact the societal wellbeing.
The Abstracts may focus on the region as a whole or address the situation in each contracting party (CP) individually. The Abstracts should have advocacy approach, be policy-driven, with the principal objective to assemble evidence for immediate policy initiatives and to propose Recommendations for the chosen topic.
Best selected Abstracts will be invited to join the regional conference to be held in Tirana, Albania.
Researcher/s, Think Tank organization coming from the Western Balkan region, Research university department, Civil Society Networks and Advocacy Platforms representing CSO sector.
The best papers will be published in a dedicated journal or edited book.
How to apply?
The applicants are invited to submit abstracts in English language. The abstract along with author names, institutional affiliation, and contact details must be submitted online to the following email: WBFapplications@
Publication possibilities: The best papers will be published in a dedicated journal or edited book.
Please note that incomplete abstracts may be rejected.
Apply to: WBFapplications@