Corridors Summer School 2020 in Germany

Deadline: 26 June 2020
Open to: advanced students, graduates, doctoral candidates, lecturers, and civil society activists up to 40 years of age from Georgia/Abkhazia, Armenia/Nagorno-Karabakh/Azerbaijan, and Russia
Benefits: the program covers the project-related costs, including travel, accommodation, full board, and excursions


Corridors is an initiative that aims to foster dialogue and cooperation between societies from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and the European Union. The project “Advancing Young Scholars and Peacebuilders Careers” aims to strengthen the capacities and future prospects for young researchers and civil society activists from the whole Caucasus region. Within the project will: (1) offer training on vital skills and input on relevant topics by international experts and scholars; (2) facilitate dialogue and networking among selected candidates; and (3) strengthen the visibility of the participants within the expert community and enable knowledge transfer from the Caucasus into international discourses. To achieve these objectives, the project consists of several components.

  • The one-week workshop “Protracted Conflicts: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives in the Caucasus” in Berlin, August 10 – 15, 2020 (TBC)
  • Support for collaborative or individual academic articles or opinion papers of the workshop participants
  • The joint print and online publication “Corridors-Proceedings Vol. II”


Young actors from the fields of conflict research and civil society conflict transformation from Georgia/Abkhazia, Armenia/Nagorno-Karabakh/Azerbaijan, and Russia can apply for the project. This includes advanced students, graduates, doctoral candidates, lecturers, and civil society activists up to 40 years of age.


Thanks to the generous funding of the German Federal Office (#CivilSocietyCooperation), the organizers will cover the project-related costs, including travel, accommodation, full board, and excursions.

How to apply?

For more details, please check the official call and visit the official website.