MY World 360° – Media Competition 2020 for Emerging Creators Worldwide

Deadline: 31 August 2020
Open to: creators of all ages from anywhere in the world
Benefits: selected stories will be shared as part of the MY World 360° Selection, and showcased as part of United Nations events and activations


Since 2018, MY World 360˚ creators around the world have used immersive storytelling to share what is going on in their communities and to inspire action on the Sustainable Development Goals, a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. From climate action reporting to stories of local innovation and resilience, participants shine a spotlight on issues most relevant to them and their communities, by using new and emerging multimedia formats.

For this new cycle of MY World 360°, they invite creators of all ages, globally and in all languages, to share how they themselves, or people in their community, are making a difference in the face of COVID-19, and how these actions bring us closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Share with them your vision for the world you want to see after COVID19, a world where the Goals are achieved.

They recognize that many people are restricted to move freely in the effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, they are expanding the call to all types of immersive media and encourage virtual team work and co-creation across borders to harness the world’s collective creativity and ideas.


They invite creators of all ages, globally and in all languages.

What types of media will be considered?

Your MY World 360° story may include one or more of the following:

  • Audio recordings that engage listeners with a story or new idea
  • Mixed media projects that combine drawings, photos, audio, video, animation and/or text in a unique way
  • Panorama or 360° photography or video that immerses viewers in a new experience, point of view, or place
  • Augmented Reality (AR) that brings digital content into our experience of the real world
  • Interactive digital games, simulations, or experiences that combine 2D, 3D, or Virtual Reality (VR) elements
  • Photogrammetry and 3D modeling that share natural or cultural artifacts
  • Or something else—show us what’s possible!

What stories are they looking for?

They encourage you to be creative within the context of your situation. Here are some guiding questions that might be helpful as you get started.

  • How are you or people in your community making a difference in the face of COVID-19?
  • How do these issues get us closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?
  • What’s your vision for a world where the Goals are achieved?

What makes a compelling submission?

  • Potential for impact: Who is the intended audience for your media and how will it inspire change?
  • Creative use of media and technology: How are you combining tools and techniques in a unique way to convey a message or tell a story?
  • #TogetherAlone: How might you connect virtually with someone to share ideas and perspectives, or to co-create something?


  • Share your talent with the world and help tell the stories that ignite positive action with the world.
  • Selected stories will be shared as part of the MY World 360° Selection, and showcased as part of United Nations events and activations.
  • Connect with other MY World 360° creators from around the world, develop your skills and access mentoring and sharing opportunities.

How to apply?

Submit your media through and share tagging @SDGAction and @DigitalPromise and using #MYWorld360

For more information, please visit the official web page.