Mandela Rhodes Scholarship 2020 – Call for Applications

Deadline: 16 April 2020
Open to: any African country citizens whose age range from 19 to 29
Benefits: fully funded


The Mandela Rhodes Foundation is one of Nelson Mandela’s three official legacy organisations, founded in 2003 in partnership with the Rhodes Trust. Our mission is to build exceptional leadership capacity in Africa. We find, fund, and empower young Africans who aspire towards the kind of leadership Mr. Mandela embodied: leaders who can bridge historic divides and who use their talents for the betterment of their societies and our continent.


If the applicant is between the ages of 19 and 29, a citizen of any African country, and has a first degree with above-average academic results (70% and above), they are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

Mandela Rhodes Scholarship programme is looking for young Africans who have demonstrated the potential to embody the founding principles of reconciliation, education, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Applicants must have already assumed leadership and made an impact on their campus or community.

To benefit from the programme, applicants must be curious about doing the personal, internal work of leadership. This means a commitment to developing self-awareness by engaging with difficult parts of yourself, and openness to learning from the diversity and differences in your cohort, and a willingness to explore and embrace complexity within themselves, others, and the systems around them.


The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship offers comprehensive funding for the core costs associated with applicant’s studies. It covers tuition for a one-year Honours degree or a two-year Masters degree in any field at a recognised South African institution of higher education. This includes tuition and registration fees, allowances for study materials, research, and medical aid, accommodation and meals, personal allowance and economy class travel to and from your home country to your South African university at the beginning and end of your degree. Candidates will also receive a personal allowance.

How to Apply?

Click here to submit an online application.

For more information please check the official web page.