World Health Organization (WHO) Internship Program

Deadline: 25 February 2020
Open to: students who have completed three years of full-time studies at a university
Benefits: WHO provides stipends to students who need support


A competent and dynamic health workforce at the heart of each health system is essential to advance global health goals. Countries need to have a pool of health professionals who are trained and exposed to the systems and processes in the health sector and understand how stakeholders interact within the international health arena.

World Health Organization (WHO) as the leader in global public health issues is committed to building a diverse pool of future leaders in public health. WHO’s Internship Program offers a wide range of opportunities for graduate and postgraduate students to gain insight in the technical and administrative programs of WHO while enriching their knowledge and experience in the health field, thereby contributing to the advancement public health.


-The applicant is at least twenty years of age on the date of application.

– The applicant is enrolled in a course of study at a university or equivalent institution leading to a formal qualification (graduate or postgraduate) (applicants who have already graduated may also qualify for consideration provided that they apply to the internship within six months after completion of their formal qualification).

– The applicant has completed three years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution prior to commencing (bachelor’s level or equivalent) the assignment.

– The applicant possesses a first degree in a public health, medical or social field related to the technical work of WHO or a degree in a management-related or administrative field.

– The applicant is not related to a WHO staff member (e.g., son/daughter, brother/sister, or mother/father).

– The applicant is fluent at least in one of the working language of the office of assignment.

– The applicant has not previously participated in WHO’s Internship Program.

– The applicant holds a valid passport of a WHO Member State.


As of January 2020, WHO provides stipends to students who need support. After selection, the interns will fill a disclosure form to indicate if they already have support (grant / scholarships, etc.). Based on this disclosure form, WHO will provide stipends up to a specific amount per duty station. The amount will be indicated for each position the students apply to.

WHO provides to all interns a medical and accident insurance. All costs of travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the intern candidate.

How to Apply?

For more information and how to apply, please visit the official website.