Human Rights Essay Award – American University Washington College of Law

Deadline: 1 February 2020
Open to: candidates for the Award must hold a law degree and have a demonstrated experience or interest in international human rights law
Benefits:  full scholarship to the Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law


Applications are open for the American University Washington College of Law Human Rights Essay Award.

The Human Rights Essay Award is an annual competition sponsored by the Academy that seeks to stimulate the production of scholarly work in international human rights law. Participants have the flexibility to choose any subject related to the assigned topic. The essay must be a legal article.


  1. Candidates for the Award must hold a law degree and have a demonstrated experience or interest in international human rights law;
  2. Past Winners cannot submit essays in future competitions.


The Academy will grant two awards, one for the best article in English and one for the best article in Spanish. The Award in each case will consist of:

  • A scholarship to cover tuition for the Program of Advanced Studies in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law for either the Diploma or Certificate of Attendance options;
  • Travel expenses to attend the program in Washington D.C;
  • Living expenses for the three-week program. Winners will be provided housing at one of American University’s residence halls, as well as a stipend to cover meals and incidentals. If the winners choose not to stay in the residence halls, they can make their own arrangements and will be reimbursed for the amount equivalent to three weeks housing on-campus.

How to apply?

For more information, and how to apply, please visit the official web page.