International Wildbird Photo Competition

Deadline: 2 December 2019 
Open to: amateur and professional photographers
Awards: cash awards


Since 1991, the Bay of Somme, an internationally recognized as a major spot on the migratory routes, celebrates the return of spring and birds with the Bird and Nature Festival. After 30 years, it remains an unmissable event for nature lovers with its particularly successful guided walks, its photo contest is now one of the 10 most renowned in Europe.

The objective is to use photography as a pedagogic and artistic support to promote knowledge of birds, and thus promote commitment to their conservation.


Anyone amateur and professional photographers is able to participate; each participant will be able to present a maximum of 10 photographs. Registration fee: EUR 2 / photo (free for 15-17 years-old category)

Files shall be submitted in:

  • JPEG format;
  • free of margin, frame or signature;
  • 3:2 ratio;
  • 3,500 pixels on its longest side (the shortest side should be of about 2,333 pixels).


  • A Grand Prix to the overall winner awarded with an amount of EUR 1,500;
  • A 1st Prize in each category awarded with an amount of EUR 800;
  • A 1st Prize for the category «Young Photographers» awarded with material endowments;
  • A Public Prize awarded to the picture which has totalized the more votes from the visitors of the exhibition, endowed by the Festival’s partners.

Each winner will be invited to the Award Ceremony. It will be offered for 2 persons: 1-night hotel with breakfasts / a return train ticket Paris-Abbeville-Paris (SNCF) or the equivalent in cash* / a meal with nominated entrants (directors, producers, and photographers).

How to apply?

In order to apply, and for more information, please visit the official web page.