Summer School “#FreeMedia4WesternBalkans” at the University of Split

Deadline: 25 July 2019
Open to: candidates enrolled as full-time regular students at one of the SEELS members or the Saarland university
Benefits: certificate of successful completion and travel and accommodation grants


The Summer School will take place at Faculty of Law, the University of Split from 22 – 28 of September 2019 (22 and 28 are travel days). It will be organized within the framework of the project FreeMedia4WesternBalkans: Promoting Legal Education in the field of Media law, Democratization and the EU accession process of the SEELS network faculties and the Europa-Institut of Saarland University (Germany), financially supported by DAAD and Federal
Foreign Office of Germany.

The project fosters media freedom in the aspiring candidate countries of South East Europe as well as within the European Union itself. By becoming familiar with the media legislation, students as future lawyers will likely be more aware of related infringements in their future work as judges, attorneys, public servants, and practitioners. The program will be delivered in English with a selection of the following topics (preliminary list, changes will be possible): Introduction to the constitutional right of freedom of expression, particularly the freedom of press and media; Important Judgements of the CJEU and the ECHR; The constitutional hate speech exception and the prohibition of hate speech; National and EU law of defamation in the context of the media; Protection of privacy as a limitation for the freedom of media; Racial and religious hatred and obscenity; National security restrictions; The regulation of the print and broadcasting media; Contempt of court and the protection of journalists’ sources; Particularities of Digital and Social Media; Overview of national and EU media laws; Discussion with stakeholders about their practical work and the daily restrictions


There are 26 places available and the selection is based on the following eligibility criteria:

  • The candidate should be enrolled as full-time regular student at one of the SEELS members or the Saarland university on a Master Program/Specialization on EU Law, or the Master Program/Specialization to which she/he is enrolled should have substantial amount of EU law related content; or her/his Master/Specialization Thesis is within the field of EU Law. In the cases the study program is offered as integrated program (5+0) Master program/Specialization the final years of studies are considered;
  • The candidate should have demonstrated high academic achievements;
  • The candidate should demonstrate high interest and motivation to participate in the summer school;
  • The application of the candidate is supported by one member of his academic community.


The participation in the summer school will be awarded a certificate of successful completion provided regular attendance of classes and successful completion of given tasks. It will be the individual decision of the academic institution of the participant if the certificate is recognized for obtaining ECTS.

The selected candidates will be provided with TRAVEL and ACCOMMODATION GRANTS.

  • The costs of the travel will be reimbursed at the end of the Summer School and will be dependent on your regular attendance of lectures.
  • Costs for accommodation and the course are covered by the DAAD with the financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office. Meals will be either provided or financially supported. Additional costs could occur for daily
    expenses and additional excursions

How to apply?

In order to apply, please fill the application form.

For more information, please visit the official web page.