JCI/SDSN Programme 2019 for Young Leaders and Innovators for the SDGs

Deadline: 1 June 2019
Open to: young leaders working towards any of the Sustainable Development Goals
Benefits: up to 5,000 USD in funding from the Global Youth Empowerment Fund


Are you a young leader working towards the SDGs? Apply for the JCI/SDSN Programme 2019 for Young Leaders and Innovators for the SDGs. JCI and SDSN Youth launch this joint program to empower the next generation of SDG innovators.

Junior Chamber International (JCI) and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth (SDSN Youth) are partnering to offer young leaders the global recognition, tools, training, and resources needed to scale their SDG-focused projects. The 50 selected solutions will be officially announced in September 2019 during the United Nations General Assembly week in New York City.


  • Open to young leaders working towards the SDGs;
  • If you are working towards any of the Sustainable Development Goals, whether you are for-profit or non-profit, you can apply.


  • Receive access to powerful training tools, including the Investment Readiness Program;
  • Be featured in the 2019 edition of the Youth Solutions Report;
  • Receive up to USD 5,000 in funding from the Global Youth Empowerment Fund.

How to apply?

For more information and to apply, please visit this website.